Audio Walk

Israel in Egypt

10:00 am | May 9th, 2024
Händel-Denkmal am Deutschen Theater

In this year’s Festival Oratorio Israel in Egypt, Handel included invasions of insects, the croaking of frogs and storms of hail in his music: plagues that are said to have afflicted biblical Egypt. Students from the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium took a trip there in their imaginations – and with all their strength, made it back from what is, perhaps, the world’s oldest escape story.

What the students discovered on their imaginary trip and in the Hebrew Bible, and how it sounds: that’s what this audio walk is about. Free of charge, for the whole family, by young voices for young ears. Play to learn? Press play to learn! “The nations will hear and tremble”, Exodus 15:14.

Schülerinnen und Schüler des Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasiums

Carolina Löwenstein & Christian Neofotistos Direction

In Collaboration with

Supported by

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